📜 a brief history of rhinoplasty :

🔹Broken Nose Repair in Ancient Egypt

Around 3000 BC, a common punishment for criminals was removing their nose, a procedure known as a rhinectomy. During that time, doctors developed methods for nose reconstruction, and outlined them using ancient hieroglyphics. Though these techniques were crude and basic, they became the foundation for medical advances hundreds of years later.

🔹Ancient Indian nose reconstruction

By 500 BC, Indian civilizations adopted rhinectomy as punishment for thieves and criminals. An ancient physician named Sushruta reconstructed the noses of these patients using the forehead flap technique, a more advanced method than his Egyptian contemporaries.

🔹Rhinoplasty in Ancient Rome

During the Roman Empire, between 27 BC and AD 476, royal physician Oribasuis wrote about methods to reconstruct noses on those suffering from birth defects. He published his findings in The Synagogue Medicae.

There were also guidelines for reconstructing a variety of body parts in another early medical text by Aulus Cornelius Celsus, called De Medicina.

🔹Key Moments in the 16th Century

In Italy, Gasparo Tagliacozzi (1546–1599), professor of surgery and anatomy at the University of Bologna, published The Surgery of Defects by Implantations, 1597), a technico–procedural manual for the surgical repair and reconstruction of facial wounds in soldiers. The illustrations featured a re-attachment rhinoplasty using a biceps muscle pedicle flap.

🔹Innovations in the 19th Century

Over the years, rhinoplasty methods continued to improve. In 1887, an American ENT surgeon, Dr. John Orlando Roe, performed the first closed rhinoplasty. He went on to complete the first rhinoplasty for cosmetic purposes.

🔹20th Century to Present Day

By mid-century, a number of surgeons were working on open rhinoplasty techniques, with an incision along the columella to improve the degree of control a surgeon had over the various nasal structures. Dr. Wilfred S. Goodman was one of multiple surgeons who advocated and advanced this approach to rhinoplasty in the last half of the 20th century.